The mission of the Winona State Football Player’s Association (FPA) is to strengthen solidarity and friendship among all current and former WSU football players, coaches and support staff, along with the families, friends and fans who are collectively committed to furthering the historic football heritage at Winona State University
Sign up for your annual membership below and consider going above and beyond with an additional 1-time gift. The FPA is a not-for-profit 501C3 tax exempt organization, so your contributions to the FPA are tax deductible.
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Option #1-Players Membership
To qualify for an FPA Player's Membership you must have been a rostered football player or coach at Winona State University for at least one complete fall football season. Each Player's Membership registration application shall be subject to FPA Board of Directors approval.
Option #2-Support Staff Membership
To qualify for an FPA Support Staff Membership you must have been on staff in a game day support roll for at least one complete fall football season, to include administrators, athletic trainers, staff photographers/videographers, announcers, statisticians and other support staff members. Each Support Staff Membership registration application shall be subject to FPA Board of Directors review, validation and approval.
Option #3-Friends & Family Social Membership
To qualify for an FPA Friends & Family Membership you must be the parent of a football Warrior, be an avid Warrior football fan or bleed purple.
To REGISTER by mail, Make Checks Payable to:
Winona State FPA
PO Box 311
Winona, MN 55987